It’s time to leave behind the ideal of tough-minded, hard-driving leadership. The Boldly Inclusive Leader shows how being a compassionate leader who embraces diversity in all its forms will powerfully transform the workplace and the world.
Corporate leaders have awoken to the urgent need to build more diverse and inclusive workplaces, leadership teams, and boards of directors. But if today’s leaders are to realize the potential of a diverse workforce, they must challenge their current models of leadership and focus on creating an inclusive environment. This new imperative will require leaders at all levels of an organization to develop skills that have been traditionally undervalued, including empathy, curiosity, vulnerability, and the ability to create a psychologically safe workplace—this is boldly inclusive leadership.
Transform Your Workplace (and the World) by Valuing the Differences Within
Lead More Powerfully by Being More HumanÂ
The Psychological Safety Playbook is the essential guide for leaders to foster psychological safety in their teams. While psychological safety sounds like an academic term, it is, above all, a deeply human experience: when we can ask a naïve question, propose a wild idea, or share our emotions, knowing we will not be embarrassed or marginalized—that’s when we experience psychological safety, and we can be our best and most creative selves.
Teams that have a high degree of psychological safety are the highest performing teams, the most inclusive teams, the teams that people want to be part of, and the teams that innovate. While there is a great deal of academic research about psychological safety, there has been a lack of actionable guidance for cultivating it. Karolin Helbig and Minette Norman developed The Psychological Safety Playbook to close this gap.